Monday, November 29, 2010

Inquiries About "Lullaby" Project

A lot of you have inquired concerning the new project "Lullaby" so I think I'll take some time and answer some of my frequently asked questions as well as some questions you might find interesting.

What is Project "Lullaby?"-  This film is less a "reboot," and more of a "finishing" to an idea I had a long time ago.  My buddy and I filmed a fantastic movie a long time ago.  Great footage, etc.  We made a trailer for it and audiences all unanimously seemed to enjoy it.  Trouble was, we never finished it.  This revived project sort of resurrects our old idea and makes it new again-a few elements will be changed however.  At some point, I will post the old trailer for it as well as a detailed plot summary.  Basically, this is my attempt at a horror/thriller film.  We'll see how it goes.       

When Will the Script be Finished?- Currently, I have roughly the first 15-20 minutes completely mapped out (in rough cut form).  I know how I want to end it.  The details in-between are still a little gray.  I'm taking my time with it and making it as good/believable as I can.  Due to finals and other such things coming up, I won't be able to work as dutifully on it as I have been.  I also have most of those scenes written into my computer now, so I'll be able to provide everyone with a script soon.  I expect it to be completely finished sometime in December, which will be nice because that's when I plan to make casting calls.

Who Will Be Allowed a Part in the Film?- I get this question a lot actually.  Pretty much anyone that tries out will be admitted a part.  If I don't currently have a part for you, I can make one up pretty easily.  We'll need a lot of extras too.  I have a few parts that I wrote out with specific people in mind.  If they decide not to be involved, those parts will be given to someone else.  As aforementioned, casting calls will be made in December.  Filming will hopefully start in January.

Where Will it be Filmed?- I have several areas specifically in mind.  The old Draper Library was one.  There will be extensive filming at my house as well as a shot or two in a graveyard.

What Will Be on the Soundtrack?- There will be a soundtrack released on this website in time, which you will be able to listen to.  I already have several songs in mind.  I may do some sound mixing too, so it's going to be really exciting.  Like I said though, it will all be on this website soon.    

What Can We Expect About "Lullaby?" - Expect it to be darker.  I based a lot of my ideas off of a game called "Silent Hill."  Some of the story is based off "Batman Begins" and many effects were imbued from "Jacob's Ladder," which are both dark productions as well.  Since I believe in family-friendly films, it won't be as dark as "Silent Hill" per se, but I do intend to mimic the tone relatively closely.  It will be comparable probably to a PG-13 and I'm going for a grittier, more earthy approach.
Also, you can expect the latest information to be up on this site.  When the film is finished, it will be released on the site along with trailers and future films.  This site is completely dedicated to my videos, so everything will be up here eventually.  I mentioned earlier that I will post soundtracks, and news.  You may also expect "sneak peeks," downloadables, scripts and other such things.  I will also do casting calls, and other events here.  Just stay tuned.  I'll update this site periodically.   

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