Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Upcoming Movie Projects

OK.  So, there are some new movies to be released in the upcoming year.  I'm writing down a few of the ideas that are being thrown around or have been pitched to me in recent days.  Some will be used.  Others may be thrown out long before production begins.

I don't need to say too much concerning this film as it will be revealed more as time goes on.  Simply put, it's based a lot off of "Silent Hill," "Batman Begins" and "Jacob's Ladder."  This is our first attempt at a horror film as well as a full-length film and the story is currently being written.  It is a direct production of "Mystic Arts."  Filming will begin in late December/early January and the script will be finished by mid-December.

"Brightest at Daybreak"
Playing the game "Half-Life 2" has inspired me to make a science fiction film.  This will not be based on "Half-Life" in any way and current details are still up in the air.  This film will be done sometime after "Lullaby" is finished.  One idea that has been postulated is a human's day to day life in a hostile alien concentration camp. 

Untitled Addiction Project
This idea was created via the help of Seylange Films.  It is a thriller/suspense film on the pains of addiction.  The movie is entirely an outward manifestation of the inner struggle accompanying addiction.   

"The Beautiful Life of Mr. Fitz"
This is to be a short film hopefully released before "Lullaby."  It will basically be directly proceeding the death of one Mr. Fitz.   The film will be about Mr. Fitz's life and how he helped others to change for the better.  It will basically about the legacy he leaves behind upon his passing.

"Mr. Scrooge Goes Bankrupt"
"Mr. Scrooge Goes Bankrupt" will basically be a comedy sequel to the well known "A Christmas Carol."  In it, Mr. Scrooge foolishly spends all of his money on other people at Christmas time.  He becomes poor and his business goes belly-up.  As a result, Bob Cratchet is forced to work at McDonalds and it all goes downhill from there.  This will likely come out before Christmas-time this year.

Untitled Christmas Production
This film will be worked on primarily by "Seylange Productions," and will have little involvement with "Mystic Arts."  This film, a comedy, will be about a person whose life takes a turn for the worst.  He is rejected by the girl of his dreams, and when his life is at rock bottom, a special Christmas angel will come to cheer him up.  Scheduled to be filmed sometime this December.

Anyway, those are our immediate projects for now.
What do you think of our ideas?  Like them?  Hate them?  
Think you got the perfect idea for a film?  Pitch it to us and we'll consider it!      

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