Monday, December 6, 2010

"Lullaby" Storyline Revealed!

OK.  I've been putting off revealing the storyline for a bit now.  Mostly because I wanted to know exactly what I wanted to do before I revealed it.  I'm sure those of you participating in the upcoming project "Lullaby" are a bit interested to see what kind of a film you're going to be in.  As the film gets closer to shooting time and my script nears completion, I will reveal a more detailed plot to those of you involved.  Without further ado, here's the story of "Lullaby."

Brian and Jacob Calder are brothers living together since the demise of their parents a year and a half ago.  Brian acts as the caretaker, while Jacob is still recovering from his post traumatic stress disorder, spurred on by being forced to watch the murder of his parents.  The family appears stable minus the occasional hallucinatory episodes Jacob has to endure.  They live together in a small secluded town on the outskirts of human civilization.

One night, upon waking up to Jacob's screaming, Brian rushes downstairs to find his brother missing and that he is bolted into his own house.  Incidentally, his house, unlike before, is rotting and stained with rust and mildew.  Strange humanoid creatures have taken residence in his basement.  In order to find his brother, Brian must escape and survive.

Hope you enjoyed the plot brief.  As I said before, there should be a script coming out in the not-too-far-distant future as well as casting calls.

Anyone want to be a part of the upcoming "Lullaby" film?  Have any opinions?  Speculation?  Let us know what you think. 


  1. I think I'm excited to see the script. I'm curious to find out how other people get into his house if he is bolted in.

  2. I'm excited :) And you know I'm down!!
